Minister of Post and Telecom calls for independent, effective Communications Authority


The Minister for Post and Telecom, H. E. Eng Abdi Ashur Hassan, told that the number-one priority for the Ministry at this time is to establish a credible and effective regulatory authority that is operationally independent for carrying out its mandate and strong enough to regulate the sector.

He was speaking at a three-day workshop held for operators, consultancy firms and Implementation Task Team that will provide technical assistance to the establishment of Somalia’s first-ever ICT regulatory body, the National Communications Authority (NCA).

When the Communications Law was signed by the President in October 2017, the Ministry asked the World Bank for a technical support to the establishment of NCA by way of providing expertise to the Ministry on best ways to establish NCA.

“You have an exceptional opportunity to create a new institution not restricted by organizational challenges in our existing institutions. You will be responsible for the success or the failure of this institution so I would urge you to do your utmost as individuals and as a team to ensure the establishment of a credible and effective institution,” said the minister.

The Minister urged the team to keep their role in mind as we embark on this important journey of creating a new institution. “We want the regulatory authority to become an exemplary organization that other institution to emulate and benchmark,” he added.

Finally, the Minister thanked the World Bank for facilitating the technical support to the establishment of the NCA.