UN Security Council Committee on Somalia Meets with Expert Panel


The Security Council Committee pursuant to resolution 751 (1992) concerning Somalia held its first informal consultations of the year to meet with the Panel of Experts on Somalia renewed by resolution 2498 (2019).

The Committee heard a presentation by the Panel of Experts outlining its areas of focus during the new mandate, which included the ban on improvised explosive device components, Al-Shabaab financing, the charcoal ban as well as weapons and ammunition management. The presentation was followed by an interactive discussion between Committee members and the Panel.

Committee members were encouraged by the recent engagement between the Panel’s new Coordinator and the Federal Government of Somalia in Mogadishu. They expressed the hope that this would lead to the re-establishment of a constructive and cooperative working relationship between the Panel and the Federal Government of Somalia. They also welcomed the Chair’s forthcoming visit to Somalia.